What it is like having a toddler in the house:
- Yeah, it's pretty much like that. THOUSANDS of popcorn kernels strewn across your kitchen floor!
- He pulled the bag out of the pantry, took off the clothes pin that was keeping the bag shut, and shook the entire contents onto the floor.
- I was just a few feet away and heard him rustling in the pantry but it was snack time, the bigger kids had been in the pantry, too, and I assumed he was getting out crackers.
- Then I heard it, a sound like rain and wondered what in the world had happened that it was raining in my kitchen.
- The next sounds were from my 6 year old shrieking, "He's doing something really bad!"
- I stared at the mess in disbelief. We were having guests the next day and I had many things to clean up already!
- Clearly the popcorn kernels became first priority.
- I whisked out the 2 sets of hand brooms and dust pans as my toddler began shouting, "MESS! MESS!"
- I guess it was a lesson in cause and effect for him. Bag of popcorn kernels + opening + turning upside down = MESS!
- I made the mistake of enlisting my toddler and 2 older kids in helping clean up the mess, I guess I thought the work of cleaning it up would deter any of them from making such a mess again, but soon there were popcorn kernels coating the entire 1st floor of my home!
- Because you see, kids sweep with gusto and they are not so good with the dust pan!
- If you come to my home anytime in the next 8 months you are likely to step on a kernel. Take my advice and wear your shoes at all times!
- Thankfully that mischievous toddler is also the sweetest thing, giving the best hugs many times each day. Just yesterday when I got him out of his crib first thing in the morning, all he wanted to do was, "Kiss . . . Sisser! Hug . . . Sisser!" and he did, crawl in bed with his big sister and kiss and hug her!
Oh wow, I have to admit my popcorn is WAY up high because I can't even pour the dang stuff without spilling it.