An ambulance

carrying none other than Baby Jesus!

Yep, Jesus dwells in our playroom and turns up in some wacky ways!
He's been known to hang out with these guys:

And now this is a funny pair:

Yoda and Jesus! Can you imagine the conversations those two could have?
Some might argue that this type of play is sacrilegious, that we are dishonoring Jesus by allowing the nativity scene to run free in the playroom, but I believe that misses one of the biggest points of that first Christmas and every day since.
John 1:14 says that “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us”
"Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel, which translated means, 'God with us.'" Matthew 1:23
So, yeah, I bought a few different nativity sets for the main purpose of the kids being able to play with them (love the Fisher-Price Little People Nativity
Because if my kids start to get it that Jesus is with us everywhere -- whether we're having fun playing or in the back of an ambulance, He is there, then I think that's awesome!
And if I can have a conversation with my 7 year old about similarities and differences between Jesus and Yoda, being quick to point out that Jesus was a real person who really lived on earth and still lives in heaven and in our hearts as opposed to Yoda who is not real, then that's amazing.
And if my kids want to take Jesus along to help as they fight the dark forces of the world, well I just think that's the best idea ever!
Find more Thankful Thursday here and Things I Love Thursday here.
I hear ya. I made a nativity scene out of 2x4s and felt so that my kids could play with it. Most wood ones could withstand kid play too I would think.
ReplyDeleteI love the Fisher Price one (that's my TILT)! We also have a wooden one. Last year if she chewed on it the paint started to run, but this year she's not doing any chewing. :)
ReplyDeleteThat is precious! Absolutely precious! We all need to have the faith (and imagination) of a little child :)
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing way to teach your children about Christ and His ever-presence. It's never too early to start and this way, they'll be ahead of the game. Thanks you for sharing the cute pictures - they made me smile.
ReplyDeleteI just couldn't agree more. This grandma has the fisher price one all set up for the grandkids when they come and they all love it... = ) Last year my 5 year old granddaughter became soo enamored with the whole Christmas story that she "became" Mary for several days and went around with a towel on her head and baby Jesus in her arms...It was precious. Have a wonderful day. HUGS
ReplyDeleteI never thought to give my son a set to play with as he wished. Untill this year the only set I had was glass. I may have to get one just for him now. Thanks so much for sharing!
ReplyDeleteInterestingly enough, baby Jesus and Yoda actually do have a common storyline in our youth Christmas Pageant...the students have been trying to work some Star Wars characters in, and this year the plot features some Christmas toys telling other toys the Nativity story. And Yoda gets to be Joseph :)
ReplyDeleteI agree with you wholdheartedly! I am still on the lookout for a play nativity set for my kids. I have my eye on the Little People one, but I'm not sure we have the $$ to cover it. We just might this year, though. :-)