Oh how I miss seeing sweet faces like these:

And you just think traffic is bad wherever you drive, imagine being stuck behind this herd on the road (notice the blue car behind the cattle)!

This day, the Wednesday of our trip to Ethiopia, we slept in a little since we didn't have anywhere we had to be that morning, slept in so much that the sweet ladies who work at our guest house finally knocked on the door to let us know breakfast was ready!
Then we picked up our friend who lives in Ethiopia and does missions work in the Korah area, since it was her day off. We visited the Alert Leprosy Hospital. Did you know there are still people with leprosy, it's not just a disease of Bible times. There's a man there who has worked for many, many years weaving rugs to sell and he has no fingers, yet works so hard and smiles, just the same. Humbling! How many times have I whined about tasks I need to do, tasks I can do without physical challenges!
We bought some of the beautiful things they make at the hospital, like a tablecloth, a rug, and a traditional Ethiopian embroidered outfit for my 4 year old son.
Next we toured the Ethiopia National Museum and had lunch at Lucy, which was great, with a large variety of food to choose from. By this point in the trip I was really craving salad and vegetables. We were avoiding any raw vegetables, like lettuce because it's often been washed in the unclean water, and we were being careful to avoid getting sick. Also, like when you eat out in the U.S. often there are not a lot of cooked vegetable sides offered. So, I loved the chicken stir-fry I got at Lucy, it had lots of good, cooked vegetables in it to satisfy my craving!
Then we wanted to drive up to see Mt. Entoto but the weather was getting rainy and our driver said it was raining on the mountain so we couldn't do it. We never got a chance to do Mt. Entoto after that and wished we'd gone earlier in our trip when the weather was sunny because the 2nd half of our trip it was much wetter than the 1st half.
Since we had to change the plans a bit, we went to Makush (an art gallery and restaurant) to see the artwork and I was impressed by how many paintings they had and we really loved some of them, but didn't buy anything, maybe on our next trip after we figure out where we have some open wall space for a painting. Then we went back to our guesthouse to visit a bit before dropping our friend back off at her home. Later that night we enjoyed traditional Ethiopian food (which all of us but my 5 year old daughter like) and dancing at Habesha. The food was really good (Even though it looks gross in the picture!) and those Ethiopian dancers were amazing to see!

I'm just amazed at all you were able to fit into your trip. What a wonderful bunch of memories your children will have and be able to share someday with their new little sister. :)