Last Friday, I had the post, We do not need another pet! Then, Saturday morning a bird flew right smack into our back window. I heard it hit and looked outside and sure enough, there he was lying on the patio just outside the back door. He was breathing, but otherwise pretty motionless. The kids came running to see and insisted that I needed to help the bird. "Bring him inside, Mama!"
I do what I always do in these types of situations, I consulted my good friend, Google. I typed "bird flew into window" and instantly had all kinds of advice! I decided to go with the easiest option, "Observe the bird for a few minutes and keep predators away, it may just be stunned." We watched and watched. Two children grew tired of watching (one was away at a friend's house where he'd spent the night) but one child set up vigil just inside the window for the bird, and I began to worry that she was just going to watch the bird die. I prayed for healing for the bird, got tired of watching it myself, and set to unloading the dishwasher. Lo and behold a few minutes later, the bird was standing up!

It was a little miracle! That poor bird just stood there for a good 15 minutes still trying to recover from the impact with the window and finally he started hopping around and hopped off into the yard. We watched him until he hopped out of sight, hopefully he was able to fly again. And I reiterate that we do NOT need another pet! Besides, Google informed me that it's illegal to keep a wild bird as a pet, now the kids can't argue with that reason!
Monday at noon I picked up Little Girl from preschool and the whole way home she jabbered on about her class guinea pig and how cute it was and how much she liked it. I knew it was coming, and sure enough, she said, "Mama, I'm going to ask for a guinea pig for my birfday. A guinea pig and that's all. That's all I want for my birfday!"
Good thing her birthday is not until October! Here's to hoping she forgets about the guinea pig because if I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times, "We do not need another pet!"
Tuesday afternoon the kids caught a love bug and the 7 year old named him "Bobby". I had a time explaining exactly why it was called a "love bug".
I had to Google "What do love bugs eat" and then the kids stuffed the bug habitat with leaves and flowers.
Bobby was with us a whole 24 hours until I suggested he should probably be set free because, "You know he'll be happier if he's free," I told the kids while I secretly thought to myself, "We do not need another pet!"
Want to know why we do not need another pet?
Because there is plenty of chaos with just the one dog we have! Here's a glimpse of one morning this week:
What is going on there?
The kids are brushing their teeth in the half-bath that is just before they head out the backdoor for school. Only Madeline the Goldendoodle LOVES to drink water fresh from the faucet. She jumps up with her front paws on the sink and someone helps her drink by cupping their hand under the stream of water!
But, seriously, the chaos! Let me zoom out and just give you another perspective of the scene in this tiny bathroom:
And yes, the 5 year old is standing on the toilet lid. I keep a set of kid toothbrushes in the cabinet over the toilet so they don't have to run back upstairs after breakfast. The little kids climb up to get their toothbrushes down, which explains why there are often shoe prints on my toilet!
Happy Friday! And I'd love to hear about the strangest pet you've had.