Monday, April 1, 2013

There's No Crying in Baseball

My littlest guy is playing t-ball right now.

I wrote a post a couple years ago called "So, you wanna be a Little League mom?" and I have to say nearly all that is still true now, except for a few things:
  • Sewing that Little League patch on the jersey is INFINITELY easier with a sewing machine!  I did not have nor did I know how to use a sewing machine back when my oldest son was playing baseball, and sewing that patch by hand just about did me in (although, surprisingly that blog post has been one of my most-viewed) and literally with the sewing machine I was done in 3 minutes!  
  • Something else that makes being a Little League mom tons easier is having a 10 year old son who can help the 5 year old son.  When there are practices that start early, before my husband can get away from work, I take my little guy to practice and watch, but my older son helps him carry his equipment, head to the right place when his coach says to go to "left field", switch between his hat and batting helmet when needed, and find his glove in the dug-out.  Not only is it a huge help but such a blessing to watch my older son willingly helping his little brother without me even telling him to!
  • I used to think it was the best when my older son would smile and wave at me from 2nd base, but my younger son has topped that.  During games, when he's running the bases and crosses home plate, my 5 year old turns to the bleachers, smiles, and blows me a kiss before heading back into the dugout -- precious!!
All that being said, there were some tears for his first few practices.  My younger son is much more of a people person than my older son was.  Basically both my older 2 kids don't really get their feelings hurt too much by other children, or really notice if other kids are performing better than they are.  But, my younger two, including my 5 year old now playing baseball, really care!  The positive is that they make friends easily and truly enjoy their friends, but the negative is that if someone doesn't treat them nicely their feelings get hurt!  Also, they have a tough time if they feel like they are not as good as some of the other kids at a particular task.

So, we had to work through/suffer through some issues the beginning of the season, which led to me giving my 5 year old some advice as I helped him tie on his cleats before his first game.  Advice, which I had to laugh at once he repeated it later to my husband and I realized how funny it sounded.  My 5 year old said more than once as we drove to his game, "Mommy said, 'No matter what happens, try your best and don't cry!'"

Should he really internalize that mantra, I'm sure there will be therapy later, but hey, everyone knows there's no crying in baseball (Name that movie line -- A League of Their Own with Tom Hanks)!  

Find more Wordful Wednesday here.


  1. Blowing kisses is too precious. He's such a good boy.

  2. Awwwww! The fact that he blows you kisses before heading back to the dugout totally got me all misty-eyed. :) So precious! :)

    Uniquely Artistic Princess Nagger Part Deux

  3. He looks super cute in his uniform! And so sweet to blow you kisses! love it...


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