Monday, September 2, 2013

Weird and Wacky Adventures

This weekend my husband and I planned some mystery field trips for our kids because it's just fun to load the kids up in the car and refuse to tell them where we're going!

First up, the beer can house.

Yes, you heard me right.  The beer can house.  Right smack in the middle of an otherwise normal looking neighborhood!  I think my family's reaction below is probably the same as most people's as they stare and wonder, "What?"  "Why?"

You'll be happy to know that nobody lives in the beer can house, it's just a tourist attraction now, but amazingly a couple did live there at one time!  The husband slowly transformed their normal house into this display of art.  I mean we all tolerate some strange things our spouses do but that woman deserves an award for her level of tolerance!

Next stop on the wacky tour:  The Orange Show

Which is not a show at all, but a place that appears to be an old, abandoned amusement park/circus, only it was never a functioning amusement park/circus but rather built to look exactly as it does!

All very strange, but our kids had fun exploring it!  And broadened their definition of "art".

Then we stopped for dinner before going to watch 300,000 bats fly out of a bridge near downtown.  We set out our blanket on the side of a hill next to the bridge, waited, and sure enough just after sunset tons and tons of bats did fly out from under that bridge, just like they do every night.  Who knew that was happening right here in our own city?  Creepy and cool!

Then today we started up again with a field trip to downtown.  We'd heard of a mysterious red button on a bridge over the bayou that you could press to create a big bubble in the water below, otherwise known as "burping the bayou".  

We took our kids to the bridge telling them we were looking for a button but we didn't know where it was or what exactly it did.  They found the button and were a little nervous about pushing it, not knowing what would happen.  

Finally, the oldest stepped up and pressed it.

The large bubble in the bayou below:

We ended the adventures with a walk through the fountains:

Because our city may be weird and wacky but it's also WARM!

How was your weekend?  Did you do anything strange?

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