Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mommy-Daughter Date

My 4 year old daughter and I go on a date every Tuesday. What do our mother-daughter dates look like? Well, that picture was today.

2 cupcakes, 1 glass of milk with 2 straws, 2 hours alone with just my girl

It redefines priceless!

There is this magical, blessed bit of time every Tuesday because she gets out of preschool at noon, her big brother is at elementary school until 3pm and her little brother is at Mother's Day Out the same place she has preschool until 2pm. So from noon to 2pm it is just us girls! I have the option of letting her stay at school until 2pm for "stay & play", most of the kids stay, but she doesn't. Because she's mine, all mine during that time!

Granted Tuesdays are tiring because it means 3 different school pick-ups in addition to her ballet/tap class later in the afternoon (or swimming this time of year), but it is so worth it to have precious time alone with my sweet middle child.

A wise lady told me when I became pregnant with my 3rd child, "If you go out of your way to give attention to your middle child, you'll probably end up just about right." I've found her advice so true. The oldest automatically gets a lot of attention because everything they are doing is new and exciting. The littlest automatically gets attention because they are the baby (and in my 3rd-born's case, because they demand it, loudly!).

Find more Wordless or Wordful Wednesday and Works for Me Wednesday.


  1. That is an incredibly sweet idea. I'm glad are able to make a time just for her, I bet she feels very special.

  2. One-on-one moments are so precious! :)

    I love it whenever I go out alone with my 3-year old daughter. A lot less stressful that my "dates" with my 5-yr old son, although those are sweet, too, in their own way. :)

  3. Sounds like a perfect afternoon to me... and very good advice! I bet she will remember these times for years to come.

  4. That is very smart advice. VERY smart advice. I love that idea. And it looks like a perfect date for a mommy and her daughter.

  5. What a perfect date. we make sure to do daddy daughter dates but not mommy daughter dates.

  6. Great idea! I am a middle child and I think that's great advice!

  7. Great idea!

    And those cupcakes look like they are just to die for.

  8. Oh how sweet! What a loving and sweet thing to do with your daughter and i can only imagine the building blocks you are laying for the pre-teen and teen years. Kuddos!

  9. That looks delightful, and like so much fun. You are a great mother!

  10. Happy wordful wednesday! What a wonderful thing to do with your daughter, and something that she'll cherish when she gets older. Quality time is important to children.

  11. thats a great idea.I like to have alone time with each of my kids.

  12. Oh that is so precious! That mommy and me time is so important!

  13. Sweet. I love mommy-daughter dates. Very refreshing. What a great mom! I'm stealing your idea!

  14. That is so sweet! What a special time for the both of you!

  15. memory that will last a life time. So precious

  16. That is really sweet. What great advice! I always feel guilty that I don't do enough for my youngest, who will be a middle child in a few short months. You've inspired to make a small difference. Here's to weekly mommy-daughter dates! :-)

  17. Oops. Just tried to comment, but goofed and it didn;t go through: Anyway, my borther's chidlren relish their Daddy dates. My chidlren ar eyoung and we don;t do actual dates with them yet, but we do carve out one-to-one time at home, which they love. Plus, with me working nights this spring and Hubby working days, they relish their "Daddy nights" and "Mommy Days" to the point where, on the odd occassion I have ahd to work during a day or Hubby has had to at night, they will tell us we cannot go to work, because it isn;t the special time yet... Too cute!

  18. Oh, that sounds divine, and I'm not just talking about the cupcakes. Having alone time with #2 is so special for me as well. He is my grocery shopping partner and it gives us much needed time to talk. I wish we could do it more because he really does need it, classic middle child that he is.

  19. And, I think I just became your 100th follower...yeah!

  20. Looks like a wonderful date with your daughter.

  21. What a great idea and you eat cupcakes like elegant ladies.

  22. Love this! I think we need to start doing special things w/ my youngest son now that he is "in the middle". This inspired me!

    And thanks for stopping by my blog! Stalk away! ;-) And just let me say that personally I HATED that "Weaver's Crap" uh, I mean "Craft" book! That lady is so negative and I didn't even finish reading it!!! There are a LOT more out there that give you the same info, but also give you HOPE!!!! :-) Excited to follow your journey!!!

  23. This is such a wonderful thing to share...some alone time with a child....When my kids were growning up (all the way through high school) I picked a random day now and then and went to their school and drew one of them out for the last couple of hours or so of the day and had what we called..." A mommy and me day"...sometimes I did it for almost the whole day if I knew nothing special was going on. I can't tell you how we ALL enjoyed those days. I didn't do it often, but enough that they all enjoyed it many times through the years. The other day my grown son called and said, "You know what I need? A mommy and me day." haha They are harder to accomplish now that they are adults, but just as treasured. She'll remember these times too. Have a good day...HUGS

  24. What a great thing to do. The cupcakes sure look yummy!

  25. What a wonderful idea! Those look so yummy too.

    Here's my WW post:


  26. That is an excellent point, I will remember that (as a mom of three kids whose attention is constantly pulled in different directions)

  27. Very True. Thanks for reminding me that my middle child could probably use some extra attention these days.

  28. I love your picture! YUM! Love your blog its so cute!!

  29. Thanks you for this tip. I hope to remember is should I ever have a third child :)

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Oh jeez...that looks delectable!
    Actually, my 4 year old likes coffee...her and Daddy go to Barnes & Noble for coffee, a treat and abook occasionally.She LOVES it!
    Us girls usually do Spa Day together!
    Just stopping in via Wordless Wednesday!
    Swing by if you get a chance.


  32. Seriously, it touches me deeply to see how much care you take with your middle child. What a blessed daughter to have such a thoughtful mom that wants to spend such important moments with her! I bet it is hectic but SO worth it. You are inspiring and so are those cupcakes!

  33. That's great! I can only imagine how special she feels. I need to think of something like that for my middle son. I think I neglect him far too much.

  34. Oh that's sounds wonderful! I've got twin girls and we've been trying to figure out a schedule for both girls to have alone time with each of us every week. That's 4 outings!


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