Monday, May 21, 2012

How to Entertain a 3-Year Old

I've had a 3-year old before.  Actually, I've had 3 years of experience parenting a 3 year old before my current 3 year old.  But, my daughter who is 3 now, joined our family through adoption.  And that adoption dynamic turns so much of parenting upside down. 

It is refreshing, though, when a universal truth shines through.  When experience DOES help.

Like, NEVER take a potty-trained 3 year old anywhere without having them go potty first.

This is true no matter the way that child entered your family.

Of course, there is sometimes some convincing involved to get that child to "just try" to go potty, but even then, the old standby of, "We'll get in the car just as soon as you try to go potty." works most of the time even with the strong-willed.

I found another universal truth recently.

All my kids at age 3 loved to cut things with scissors, entertained for long periods of time making thousands of tiny snips!

A catalog I don't want any more + some super dull scissors (so dull they won't cut hair or clothes!) = 10 minutes for me to eat breakfast in peace!

It's like magic!

I just have to be sure to put those scissors up when she's done before Big Brother or Big Sister's homework gets cut to bits!

Don't ask if I've learned that from experience!

Find more Wordful Wednesday here.


  1. Ok...not askin' here! Heeehehehe!!!

    Nothin' like havin' a little experience under your Mama belt, huh?

    What a cutie pie your little doll is and quite the cut~up too! :o)

    God bless ya sweetie and have an awesome day!!! :o)

  2. She is just so darn cute!! :) And how cool to get the 10 minutes needed to eat breakfast!! Always the simple stuff that they love, right?

    We love that idea, too! I've given the kids each a pair of scissors to cut out the extra coupons that we don't need. Helps them practice cutting on lines. Of course, they have to be old enough to do it....otherwise, I end up helping them, which defeats the purpose of solo entertainment. ;)

    I won't ask about the homework either. ;)

  3. I love the part "so dull they won't cut hair or clothes!" - that's a lesson I had to learn the hard way. ;) Love this! :)

    All Mixed Up

  4. {Kathy} I just had my 3-year old nephew over last night during a family dinner for my oldest son's graduation. This would have been helpful information! I love 3-year olds: so independent yet small enough to hold in your arms. I am going to put aside some "dull scissors" and catalogs for him to play with the next time I have him.

  5. We do this too! And a cup to play with in the sink! Works for a seriously blissful chunk of time!


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