I am not one of those people.
I think I made it about 5 days of recording every wet and dirty diaper for my FIRST baby. Then by my 2nd baby I couldn't even keep track for the 2 days I was in the hospital after she was born, the nurses would come by and ask and my husband and I would make up answers so we didn't seem like bad parents, but honestly we'd forgotten to record a diaper in the middle of the night!
So it should come as no surprise that when I was on the phone today with the travel medicine clinic regarding our upcoming trip to Ethiopia, I didn't have a record of the date we had our last round of Ethiopia travel vaccinations!
Didn't I blog about that?
A quick 5 second search of the good ole blog revealed the EXACT date of our last travel vaccinations AND how many shots we got -- so handy!!
From September 20, 2010:

147 million orphans in the world
our family's mission?
to make it 147 million MINUS ONE!
1 Day off school on Friday
1 Appointment at the Travel Medicine Clinic
15 shots between the 4 of us
the 3 year old will not be going to Ethiopia (so no shots for him)
20 hours on an airplane with him would = nightmare for all involved!
5 shots for my husband + an oral typhoid vaccine taken at home
5 shots for me + an oral typhoid vaccine taken at home
3 shots for my 7 year old
2 shots for my 5 year old
0 days the kids were in pain after the shots
2 days my husband and I needed Tylenol to even remotely be able to lift either arm!
1 little girl in Ethiopia we have never met, but still know she's way more than worth it!!! We don't know when, but we're coming, Baby!
**Updated: That Little Girl in Ethiopia is now home and has been for well over 2 years and she IS way more than worth it!
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