Sunday, February 22, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! In this blog carnival created by MckMama everyone has fun telling all the things they DID NOT do (but really did). You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. Here are my denials:

My firstborn DID NOT turn six yesterday. That would make me too old! He is NOT still my baby!

I DID NOT have roughly 15 five and six year old bo
ys in my backyard for two hours for the party. It DID NOT really feel like 30 five and six year old boys. There was NOT bloodshed or water balloons!

I DID NOT make this lightsaber cake for his party, complete with from scratch icing. I know my uncraftiness and would NOT have attempted this. It was NOT almost 5 feet long! That would be cake craziness!

I DID NOT skip my weekly Scripture Sharing Sunday blog post due to all the time spent working on said cake. That would mean my priorities were a little off. Which is NEVER the case!

I DID NOT eat 4 pieces of that cake this weekend!

I DID NOT actually wear this Star Wars Ventress costume for several hours on Saturday in front of various friends and family. My husband DID NOT wear this Obi Wan costume making us the odd combination of the dark and light side couple. My son DID NOT love us wearing the costumes and look adorable in his Anakin costume and thus make it all worth while!

My husband DID NOT at any point in the party, stand on our roof and hurl foil ball meteors down at the kids!

I DID NOT have the realization that of all the Oscar Nominated movies this year, I'd seen one -- Wall-E. I DO NOT officialy feel lame, out of touch, and like I've been hiding under a rock (otherwise known as 3 little kids)! Somehow I'm NOT okay with this.


  1. Great Not Me's! Your cake looks SCRUMPTIOUS!

  2. You saw 1 ore nominated film than I! How sad is it when your middle-school-aged sons have seen the most in your household?? (2--Wall-E and Batman, both with their Super-Aunt!)

  3. Ok, my 6 year old boy would think I was the coolest mom in the world if I threw a party like that!!! And you friend, have your priorities COMPLETELY in the right order. Hope next weekend is more restful!!!

  4. It takes an awesome Mom to make a cake like that! You rock!


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