Thursday, August 20, 2009

7 Quick Takes Friday

I watched the movie Annie last week with my kids. It was on sale for $5 at Target and I couldn't resist buying it. It was really fun sharing a movie I loved as a kid with my kids. And the unexpected bonus? My 2 year old is hooked on the "Tomorrow Song" and has been randomly breaking out into his own rendition of it and requesting I sing it over and over again!

Speaking of songs, this post from Boo Mama totally takes me back and makes me want to visit iTunes and download some songs I don't hear nearly enough in my 2009 life!

Can you imagine my husband's horror if I suddenly started playing some Survivor, Kenny Logins, or Celine Dion?

Just as soon as I get my kids settled in school, tackle all the spring cleaning I never did, finish potty-training my toddler, jump back into a regular exercise routine, get caught up on a year's worth of photos, and re-volunteer for my volunteer job then I'm totally going to try making one of these shirts. How cool is that idea?

What? Did someone mention potty-training and exercise? My 2 big goals for the summer. 30 Day Shred -- complete; Days 31-90 -- not complete. What can I say? I just got so sick of the video and hearing the same comments and not funny jokes. It is a great workout, but even with there being 3 levels to rotate between, 30 days, every day, in a row is enough to make you sick of just about anything! I need a new exercise video or the temp. outside to drop below 100 degrees so I can run! As for potty-training, as long as my toddler can be naked from the waist down he's potty-trained, very few accidents. But, you put that Bob the Builder underwear on and it will be soaked in minutes. Do you think they'll let me send him to Mother's Day Out wearing nothing from the waist down? Now that would be a finer thing!

One thing I did accomplish this summer, I'm proud to say my 6 year old can now tie his own shoe laces! I thought we'd never get there, but yes, he'll start 1st grade in non-velcro shoes!

Last, grab a couple Kleenex and head over to this post of Megan's. You'll be glad you did!

Find more Finer Things Friday at The Finer Things in Life, Hooked on Fridays at Hooked on Houses, 7 Quick Takes Friday at Conversion Diary,


  1. Oh man -- I loved Annie so much when I was little! I need to get the kids to watch that sometime.

  2. I'm with you on the SHred, bits and pieces now.

    Luckily I live in Canada and can run outside but I do prefer my treadmill anyway.

    Awesome Ts pls post a pic when you get yours done.

    Off to read Megan's post

  3. Congratulations on your six year old tying his shoes! Yeahhh!

    I was just thinking about trying to teach my little one.

  4. Haha..I love it when toddlers break out in song. Mine's favorite right now is the "lollipop" song. So cute.

  5. I love those Old School movies and songs, too! I'll have got to introduce mine to Annie....I know Lucy would love it.

    Wow, thanks for the link love, friend! Every time I re-read it I cry, too...but now that she is doing so well in school, they are tears of joy!

  6. I absolutely used to love listening to the soundtrack to Annie. I could belt out the songs with the best of them (or so I thought. LOL!)

  7. Annie -- We haven't watched that one together yet. Thanks for the great family movie night idea!


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