Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How can there only be 13?!!


That's the number of library books I rounded up to be returned to the library today after naptime after VBS (where 2 other teachers and I may or may not have temporarily lost 2 children),

1 day ahead of the due date, thank you very much!

I even typed the card number into our library's on-line site to confirm that we indeed had 15 books checked out.

All 15 were recorded onto the various summer reading lists for my 3 kids.

Some were recorded twice if both my little kids read/were read the books.

All 15 books were loaded into a tote bag to go to the library along with the 3 summer reading logs.

We got shoes on and 5 minutes later we were in the car.

4 minutes later we arrived at the library.

I unloaded my tote bag onto the library counter so the librarian could check them off the summer reading logs and check them back into the library.

And guess how many books were in my bag?



What happened to the other 2 books?!!

I really could not imagine how they did not make it to the library when I'd so carefully collected, counted, checked, and packed all 15!

My 3 children all denied knowledge of the missing books.

But when we got home there they were, both of them, sitting on the coffee table and upon seeing them my oldest suddenly remembered pulled a couple out of the bag at the last minute to "look at them".


The best laid plans, a seemingly organized process thwarted!

Oh well, I'm thankful the librarian kindly offered to renew the 2 books so I have 2 more weeks to attempt to get them returned before they're late!

And I'm thankful that overall our library experiences have been much better this summer than last, and thankful that the 2 children who wandered away from our line of 23 kids somewhere between the worship center and our classroom were promptly returned to our class. Needless to say the headcount that was done about 6 times today will be done 12 or 14 times tomorrow!!

Find more Thankful Thursday and Thursday Thirteen.


  1. I love your family adventures.

  2. Glad you found the library books. Reminds me of the time that we returned a computer game to the library; when the librarian opened the case, it was empty. The CD was still in our computer. :) These things happen.

    Enjoy the rest of VBS!

  3. Yeah, those books. Sometimes it seems they scurry off by themselves. :) Happy TT!

  4. Brings back a lot of memories.

    Have a great Thursday!

  5. Better to miss-lay a book thank a kid.

  6. I think I need to go to the library. It's been far too long. Happy T13!

  7. Love how you told this story! Here from Thursday 13.

    I've been there so many times except I don't have the children to blame, only myself, doh!

  8. That was always the case until I had my son start using the library receipt/return slip as his bookmark. Works like a charm!

  9. Very funny. I've been thinking recently that I should attempt checking out our local library again. 15 years is more than enough time for improvements. Surely by now, they'll actually have some books I'd like to read. :-)

    Mine's here.

  10. Every library needs patrons like you!


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