I'm not sure who's more excited about the approaching summertime, the kids or me.
I cannot wait!
I love the slower pace of summer!
The not having to part with my older 2 kids from 8am to 3pm each day!
The we-have-nowhere-we-have-to-be-today days!
Wearing only a swimsuit or pajamas for days on end!
Making and eating homemade ice cream!
Multiple trips to the library in the same week!
Running through the sprinklers!
Building massive forts out of sheets in their bedrooms!
And using every bit of our Thomas the Train tracks to build the longest railroad, winding through much of the upstairs!
I can't tell you how many friends have approached me recently telling me all about everything they've signed their kids up for the summer. "This week he'll be here from 9 to 3 every day then the next week is 9 to 5 at this camp, then there's lego camp, it's just 9 to noon. . ." There are the friends sending their kids to overnight camp for 2 or 3 weeks. And all of the friends have invited my kid or kids to join their kid, even offered to carpool, which is so sweet. But, call me selfish, and perhaps my kids will one day, but I say summer is my chance to spend a lot of time with my kids. School gets so much of their time during the other 9 months of the year, for these 3 upcoming months, all those camps can't have them!
The two oldest kids are doing swim team and we'll do 1 week of VBS at our church and a family vacation, and of course we are praying for a miracle summer court date so we can make a trip to Ethiopia to meet our new daughter/sister!!!
But the rest of the time will be unscheduled fun and relaxation and time together.
And I can't wait!
Find more Thankful Thursday here.
I'm with you on letting summer be a time to relax!! I can't believe how many things people are signing their kids up for during the summer these days...I want to say 'just let your kids be kids!!!!!" I know boredom is now always good, but boredom can often lead to creativity if given the time to percolate....Enjoy your summER!