Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Kid Activities

I could say a thousand things about kids and activities, but I'll spare you and just share 13 thoughts:
  1. I really love watching my kids do new things!
  2. There is nothing better than seeing that look of accomplishment on their face when they achieve something they have worked for! I'll never forget the look on my son's face the first time he swam across the pool by himself.
  3. Is there anything cuter than a little kid baseball game or a roomful of little girls in black leotards, pink tights, and ballet shoes?
  4. Having kids in activities definitely makes life busier and more complicated!
  5. It is all about having a balance. There is a point where the activities get to be too much. Kids need downtime, too, especially time at home just playing with their siblings.
  6. Thankfully little kid seasons are short, so kids can try out several sports and still only have one going on at a time, meaning days off. Soccer in the fall, basketball in the winter, baseball in the spring, and swim team in the summer is a rotation that has worked well for my son.
  7. It is harder to choose for my daughter because she has all the options of her brother but also ballet, gymnastics, cheerleading, etc. So far we've done ballet, gymnastics and swim lessons with her.
  8. Click here for my post on what I want my children to know how to do before they leave home. Activities help with several of the items on this list.
  9. I feel like sports and activities can challenge kids and push them out of their comfort zones, and that is good.
  10. My clingy daughter really gained a lot of confidence through taking swim lessons where I was in an observation room and she couldn't see me.
  11. I would like my kids to find something they really like and feel good at before they are teenagers because it will help with self-esteem during those rough junior high and high school years!
  12. I am thankful for the skills my kids will learn, the friends they'll make, the memories they'll create, and the life lessons they'll experience through extracurricular activities.
  13. Mostly I'm thankful that I get to be their biggest fan!
Find more Thankful Thursday at Women Taking a Stand, Thousand Words Thursday at Cheaper Than Therapy, and Thursday {Thirteen} at Happy to be @ Home.


  1. what an awesome mom you are. God bless you more.

  2. What a timely post for me. We are trying to figure out the balance of kid activities right now. The oldest is in ballet, both girls just started swim lessons and t-ball starts next month. I always told myself I wouldn't let things get too busy/crazy, but I do want them to have opportunities to try new things/gain new skills. I still want to keep it all in perspective; they are only 5 1/2 and 2 (three weeks shy of 3 yrs). Thanks for giving me some things to think about.

  3. Oh I love this - you are such a blessing to your children!

    Have a blessed day :)

  4. I'm in the process of trying to find an activity my 7 year old will enjoy. We did dance this year and she HATES it!

  5. Thank you for joining us for TT! children are truly a blessing and I am also thankful for my children. Happy TT! -Laurie

  6. Very nice list! I love watching my children participate in activities they enjoy!

  7. We're just gearing up for ball season too...I love it!

  8. great picture and post keep supporting them and they will support you when you need it

  9. Great post! So much to be thankful for. Happy Thankful Thursday!

  10. Great pic! The start of baseball season justs FEELS GOOD!

  11. "Mostly I'm thankful that I get to be their biggest fan"

    That is the best one of all. Just like God is our biggest fan.

  12. We don't have much activities yet. Ds does want to do baseball, so I need to look into it. :D

  13. I agree that being in activities builds a kids confidence. It's great to be our kids biggest fan!

  14. When I had two girls they did everything that struck their fancy, even if just for a little while. We had our time at piano, choir, dancing, swimming, ice skating, cooking classes etc... By the 4th we had to limit it in some way. Not enough time for every one to do every thing. We set up the guidelines that two criteria had to be met 1- was it God honoring or could it be used to honor God (piano lessons could be used to play in worship service) and 2-was it something that could be used for their "real life" (swimming lessons are useful in many ways like recreation, summer employment opportunities, or even exercise). This has worked successfully for us for 7 years and counting. The older girls found that they liked not doing so many things, too. Having more time to develop what they had chosen.

  15. Great list...getting ready to go to my child's ballet tonight! Have a wonderful day!

  16. Great post! And it sounds like you balance it all so well!

  17. Such a wonderful post. I will be so glad when my kiddo can participte in sports! Happy ATWT!

  18. My oldest is just turning 3 years old, so we haven't done much, but I know that swimming has definitely given her a boost of "letting go of Mommy". We plan on enrolling her soon in dance, so we'll see where that takes us!

    Thanks for this! You always have great things to share!!

  19. Children are probably one of God's greatest blessings to us (and to Him!) Loved the post. My 2nd son just turned 18 today....3 more to go!


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