Around our house. . .
While I was making some homemade granola bars on Saturday, my 2 younger kids pulled chairs over to the pantry so they could open the lids of the spice jars to smell them. Knowing a spice spill was eminent, I shooed them down, but failed to move the chairs back. A few minutes more into the granola bar making the toddler ran over to me crying and wildly wiping his tongue with his hands. I looked over at the chair in front of the pantry. I saw an opened cayenne pepper jar and some pepper scattered across the chair. Toddler did NOT apparently lick a handful of cayenne pepper and a few minutes later sum up the whole experience with, "Pepper's too spicy, I don't eat it, 'gin." Some lessons you have to learn the hard way!

The same 2 year old toddler did NOT come over to sit in my lap recently and say, "You look like my mommy!" or actually it sounded like this, "You wook yike my mommy!" Hmmm, could it be because I am your mommy?!!
I did NOT allow this toddler to "go commando" (meaning no diaper and no underwear under his shorts) for several different errands last week because it seems to help him not have accidents during the potty-training! NOPE, NOT ME!
And after I blogged about a toddler-induced powder mess last week and moved the powder even higher in the room, there is NO WAY I walked into the toddler's room yesterday (after only a couple minutes of him playing alone in there while the rest of us were in the next room) to find this. . .!

And in light of all the above mentioned chaos going on around here, there is NO CHANCE I accidentally grabbed the Butter Buds sprinkles instead of the Fruit Fresh sprinkles and coated the apple slices for my 6 year old's lunch in buttery-goodness, not realizing the mistake until later when I noticed the Butter Buds on the counter! In my defense, I got out both containers to show just how similar they are. . . or not!

Find more What I Learned This Week here.
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