Thursday, February 19, 2015

Daddy Daughter Dance

My husband took our girls to a Daddy Daughter Valentines Dance recently.

The girls were so excited about their dresses that I only heard a few complaints that they were "too scratchy!"

My two daughters have such different personalities, yet they are the best of friends.  They are both beautiful and shine in their own ways.  I can only imagine the great plans God has for them! 

I'll let you guess which girl wanted to dance all night at the party and which was not so into the dancing!

1 comment:

  1. What a special experience for your girls! I used to follow your blog all the time. Actually I should say your blog is still in my news feed, but I rarely comment anymore. I took a break from blogging; wish I hadn't as I'm so behind now. I went through my feeds tonight and was catching up a little. I just wanted to say your family is growing up beautifully! God bless!


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