For the last two years we've had our dog there has been a strict policy against allowing her on the bed or the couch. But, lately I've been caving. I find her up on the bed from time to time and she looks so comfy and cuddly, that I just let her stay there instead of commanding her "Off!" And besides, she totally matches the blanket!

Next Tuesday is the 100th day of school for my elementary kids. And what better way to celebrate than with a project?!!! For kindergarteners. Super!
You know the drill (or at least I do by now since this is my 3rd kindergartener) - use 100 of a particular item and create something.
I give you my son's 100 marshmallows creation:
I'm not exactly sure what it is. He has some story about a snake and some grass and a flower??? The main thing that thrilled me is that aside from sitting with him while he made groups of 10 to aid in the counting out of 100 marshmallows and supplying him with the materials, he did the whole thing without me!
The teacher sent home a note that read: "Please allow your child to do this project by themselves with your help. It really doesn't benefit them (or you) if you do the project for them"
Yeah. I don't think ANYONE will accuse me of doing this project for my 5 year old!
But, I'll get to school next week and no doubt see many projects that look like they were professionally done!
My son came home today with this super hole in the knee of his pants:
Come on shorts weather!
Happy Friday, Friends. Have super weekend!
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