Tuesday, January 5, 2010

1st Grade Math!

Is it just me or has 1st grade math gotten harder since I was in school?

Find more Wordless or Wordful Wednesday.


  1. Yep, it sure has :) I was puzzled when trying to explain multiplication to my first grader today...

  2. I think it has...or I'm just super dumb. We just got a letter in the mail about putting our 6th grader in Advanced Algebra next year. I'm proud but I also almost threw up. He better NEVER need my help with homework!!

  3. My 4th grader does Algebra. My 5th grader is in Advanced Algebra. And I feel stupid.

  4. My kids have learned over the years to help each other with their math. They are all now in HS and 1 in college...they KNOW not to ask me, lol. It's like chinese.

  5. Holy crap! I taught first grade and my students NEVER did math that hard!

  6. Yikes! Looking forward to that in a couple years here I guess. Thankfully, I liked math.

  7. OMGoodness! That is tough math. I don't remember doing that in 1st grade. I was also never good at the harder math, like algebra and geometry. My son will have to get a tutor if he inherited my math gene. Happy WW and take care.

  8. When I taught first grade, things like that came at the very end of the year...and only if we moved fast enough through the book.

    Seeing those large numbers in your child's hand brings back such fond memories. They look great, btw!!

  9. I had to do a double take! That's first grade! OMG!

  10. Everything has gotten harder since we were in school LOL You have junior high kids doing things I didn't see until COLLEGE!

  11. I'm always shocked and how hard my grandkids homework is. 2nd grade is crazy difficult. I can't believe the spelling words they have!


I'd love to hear what you think!