This week's Works for Me Wednesday is the "Mom, I'm Bored-Summer Edition".
I try not to over-schedule my kids for the summer because the school year tends to be busy. They will do a week of VBS at our church and they are each doing a week of day camp, my oldest to basketball camp and my younger 2 to gymnastics camp. My oldest does swim team for the 1st half of the summer and my younger two swim lessons. I'm also letting my daughter take once a week gymnastics lessons over the summer because she's been begging me to get her in gymnastics but with taking dance during the school year it is just too busy to add another activity. But, other than those, no other scheduled activities! And yes, that has meant saying "no" to friends who want me to sign one of my kids up for whatever camp their kid is doing!
We will have several days of no activities where my kids can stay in their pajamas all day and enjoy playing at home with their siblings.
We've already been to the library and with how fast my 7 year old is reading through books, we'll likely be going often! It is nice that my 4 year old can read by herself this summer, too, so that is a great quiet-time activity for my two non-nappers when their little brother is napping in the afternoons!
And when we feel like it or get bored, we'll do many of the things from the summer fun list we came up with last year.
Also this summer as a family once or twice a week we are doing The Radical Experiment family devotional series. If you want to check it out click here and then scroll towards the bottom and you will find the "Family Worship Guide Archive".
Find tons of great summer ideas at Works for Me Wednesday.
Oh, do think the best thing about summer is having nothing to do at all! Don't you remember those wonderful days when we were growing up? The days before camps, organized sports and lessons for everything under the sun? Long days stretching before us with nothing but our imaginations to fill it! Oh, how wonderful they were. How I love to live them again by waking my children on a summer morning and listening to them decide how to fill that blank canvas!
ReplyDeleteOh there is just nothing like long lazy days of summer stretching out in front of you when you were a kid. I think it is wonderful that there will be soo many for your kids (and you) where there is nothing at all planned but playing and using their imaginations. Your plans sound soo much like what I used to do with my kids. I think it is one of the many reasons I soo enjoy your blog. Swim lessons, library days, hanging out all day in jammies....beach days, afternoon matinees...I miss those days. ENJOY yours.
ReplyDeleteLove the lazy days of summer! :D We will be doing a bit of everything between reading, exploring, relaxing, etc. etc. I think I will add in some learning of things as well.
ReplyDeleteI think I was supposed to "stumble" upon your blog. My husband and I just finished listening to the radical series and feel like we can't do nothing with what we've learned! I had no idea there was a family devotional series to go along with it. I'm in! Can't wait to start with our gang. Also, we are all about the no plans summer and we love living that way! So glad I found you, can't wait to hear more about your journey.