Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ever-present Friends

My children are each other's best friends.

Sure they squabble at times, tattle, and can drive each other (and me) crazy!

But, there are also great adventures, charming make-believe, giggles, and gleeful shouts.

Today 3 of the 4 had a dirt picnic in the backyard after swim team practice.  

(I am happy to report that no dirt was actually eaten, just pretend!)

Their lives are so much better for having each other.

May that always be true!


  1. This is soo sweet! Having a wonderful relationship with siblings is such a blessing! I found you through Thankful Thursday!

  2. Oh what memories this brings with my kids on the farm and the dirt cakes and mud pies! Oh, I recently read eating a little dirt was actually beneficial to kids immune systems but I find that a little hard to digest myself :)

  3. I remember these days, take time to enjoy them. This is how my children are. We have his, hers, and ours, and they are a pack. All grown-up now, and still a pack. My favorite people for sure.

  4. What do you mean, they didn't eat it? My sister and I always insisted on making each other take at least a *little* bite. ;-) So sweet to see them loving one another, isn't it?

  5. What wonderful memories being made. Thanks for sharing with us over at THANKFUL THURSDAY this week! :)


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