Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Let Your Kids Make the Wrapping Paper

Wanna know a Christmas tradition that works for me?

Letting my kids make the wrapping paper.

I use the white rolls of butcher paper we already have, roll it out across my back patio, give the kids large red and green ink pads and let them go at it, stamping their hands and feet all over the paper.

I am a reformed perfectionist so I really try not to care if it doesn't come out looking anywhere close to perfect, but I do coach the kids a little on spots they miss stamping.

It is a tradition, a craft, a kid activity, a way to get the kids involved and excited about gift-giving, and saves money that would be spent buying the store-bought paper! And the butcher paper is actually thicker and stronger than typical wrapping paper which is a plus if you need your gift wrap to stand up to packing and traveling!

This picture is from 2 years ago. Last year's pictures are, ahem, yet to be cataloged. Yes, I am 15 months behind on my pictures! So for all of you who ask how I do it all, just know I don't do it all. In fact today my breakfast dishes didn't get done until 1:15PM!

If you look closely at the picture my daughter is putting a green hand in the red stamper and yes, that is a testament to how reformed of a perfectionist I am! If the idea of that really drives you crazy and you'd like to minimize the chaos in your own household then you can just use one color of ink pad.

In case you were wondering about my son's head-wear in the picture, it is a Native American headpiece he made at school in honor of Thanksgiving and then wore around for weeks after (hence the flopped over state of the lone yellow construction paper feather)! He is our costume-kid!

Find more Works for Me Wednesday and Wordless or Wordful Wednesday.


  1. That is such a great idea! I know that is something my girls would still love to do.

    Happy WW!

  2. This is a fantastic idea! I love that you said you are a "reformed perfectionist"...I'm still working on that! lol

  3. We do something similar...it's so much fun!!!

  4. this is a great idea for a lazy fun craft day!

  5. That is a really good idea!! I would never have thought of it!

  6. We always make our own wrapping paper too! We dip Christmas cookie cutters in paint and stamp the banner paper. My girls love it. But this reformed perfection makes them paint outside. ;-)

  7. That is a wonderful idea. Wish I'd thought of that when my children were young. Of course, their schools always had wrapping paper sales as fund-raisers.

    I posted in WW today also.

  8. Great idea. Although, since it's freezing outside right now I don't think we'll be able to do it because there is NO WA we are doing that project inside of the house. Or, we can just do it in the garage since it's only been broken, and therefore car free, since the end of summer. We could totally set up an art center out there for the winter, make it earn its keep!

  9. I've had my daughter make wrapping paper like this, but I had her fingerpaint on a roll of white wrapping paper that I got at the dollar store. I knew I could wrap with it since it was wrapping paper. :) Where do you get your big rolls of butcher paper?

  10. We did that a couple times. I love it!

  11. Cute idea - i am not even a perfectionist and the idea of a 2 year old with an inkpad makes me nervous - you go girl!!

  12. looks like so much fun with a bit of a mess and just think the gift receivers also recieved a special moment in history as well

  13. Gee, can I bring my kids over next time and do that at YOUR place?? Lol! Looks like fun!

  14. How fun! Looks like a project my kids could really get into :)

  15. what a cute idea

  16. Love this. I'm thinking about doing it this year with my toddler.

  17. You are so brave! I love it!

    I'm posting about frugal hand made gift-giving this year on my blog. Stop on by http://www.2008jessetree.blogspot.com

  18. What a fun project! And it totally brings new meaning to idea of saving the wrapping paper!

    Hope to see you Dec 14-18 for the Holly Bloggy Christmas Bash!

  19. that's pretty nifty. i should try this with my son.


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