Thursday, January 21, 2010

Latest Links I Like

  • Did you all go buy the Children's Hopechest t-shirt I blogged about last week? If not there is still time, remember for every shirt bought, a shirt and a pair of shoes will be provided for an orphan in Ethiopia. As of Wednesday they'd sold 233 shirts. Awesome, but there are around 5 million orphans in Ethiopia, so clearly there are tons more needing a new shirt and shoes that your purchase could provide. And you get a cute shirt, too!
  • I love that my circle of friends who either have adopted or are in the process of adopting is growing ever wider! You guys have to check out Jane's post 5 Tips for raising a child of another race. Jane is Ugandan born, adopted by a Caucasian family, and raised in the U.S. and I am so thankful to be able to get to know her through the blog and email worlds!
  • Lysa's post about the situation in Haiti and the correlation between what the people there are facing and what her 2 boys adopted from Liberia lived for many years is wonderful.
  • And this one on What makes a House a Home by Centsational Girl is super, especially the part about the messy piles and fingerprints!
  • I must confess to just a teensy bit of envy when I saw this gorgeous shirt on Tea Rose Home that she made ALL BY HERSELF! Oh to have the power to create beautiful clothes for just a couple dollars! That would be a finer thing!
Happy Friday!!

P. S. If you're still reading this and would like the rare opportunity to see a picture of my actual face, click over to this post of Beth's at Not a Bow in Sight. You certainly won't see much of me on my blog!

Find more Finer Things Friday at The Finer Things in Life, 7 Quick Takes Friday at Conversion Diary.


  1. Ah! You are beautiful!! I saw that it said bloggers in the area. Are you in the Houston area?

  2. Thanks... I really dig your blog too!!

  3. Adoption is such a beautiful thing. My cousins have adopted two sweet children. Just think if we ALL would adopt even one, what a difference that would make!

  4. My computer just ate my first comment, so if you get two, pick one! :)

    First off, you have a beautiful face (I saw you the other day over there). But more importantly, you have a beautiful heart and it shows in your blog. Seriously.

    I do, however understand your sentiments. My face made a rare appearance in a post today and I'm still debating about deleting the picture. Lol!

    And lastly, I met Jane the other day and was impressed with how many resources she's gathered. What a treasure chest she provides over there!



I'd love to hear what you think!