Yes, I'm talking about the Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred
I started with the Level 1 because although I do run fairly regularly, I have not done a weight training type of workout in a long time. I also chose to start out with the 3 lb. hand weights, rather than the 5 lb. ones. My plan is that if (hopefully when) the Level 1 gets easy I'll move up to the Level 2 and then maybe even the Level 3.
I did today's 20 minute workout while all 3 of my kids were home and awake, which definitely made it more entertaining. My 6 year old son kept asking if I was on Level 2 yet. My daughter wanted to know why all 3 of the girls on the video were wearing different clothes. I guess coming off her dance recital where they all wore the same costume, the variety of workout wear seemed wrong to her! My toddler liked the jumping parts and jumped up and down himself in excitement!
Anyway, I did have to chase kids off the mat when I needed it for an exercise, but otherwise they didn't interfere and I think I'll keep trying to do it when they are around rather than sacrificing precious kids-are-in-bed time for exercise!
I can see where Jillian may get annoying in another half day or so, but she's not as in-your-face as I thought she'd be. But then again, I still have vivid memories of my high school swim coach yelling, "You're all sittin' around like a stale cup of urine!" and although I can still hear his voice booming that now 15 years later, I don't really remember it being all that motivating of a coaching technique!
I've heard mixed reviews of the Shred, so I don't really know what to expect over the next month, but I am determined to stick with it! My goal is not weight loss, but to get toned and add the weight-training/strength element to my workout routines in the future. My arms are already sore, so I'm sure they got a workout! I'll let you know tomorrow, but I bet I'll be feeling it all over by then!
Please share your shred experiences here in the comments (or link to your post if you blogged about it) or if you have a great coach quote, that would be super, too!
Glad to hear you made it through 1! As for me...I made it through nine and can still walk...yeah! We will see what tomorrow brings, though. I appreciate your encouragement. I am very athletic and muscular...which leaves me uncertain why this has been such a challenge for me... but as you say...I am determined to survive. Tonight my parents who are in their late sixties told me they got the shred and are going to start it. If they can, surely we can, eh?