Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What are they doing?

My 4 year old and 2 year old were just standing there like this for several minutes in our backyard one day last week.

I couldn't help laughing when I realized what they were doing.

Let me give you a clue. Here's what's in the white tub by the tree. Tons of acorns my daughter had collected that morning while she was on the playground at preschool.

As we brought all the acorns home from school I asked her what she was going to do with all of them and she said they were "squirrel food".

So a few hours later when I saw the opened tub at the base of our tree and two of my kids standing a few feet back from it, I realized they were waiting on the squirrels!

I guess my daughter thought she'd open the tub o' massive-quantities-of-acorns and the squirrels would just come running!

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  1. So cute! I can't think of much that would have my kids standing still for minutes at a time, but that might work.

    And why wouldn't they just come running? That's what they do in cartoons afterall!!

  2. So sweet- mine loves to bring treasures home from preschool too- usually it's waded up balls of napkin or bark though...I wouldn't mind acorns :) Thanks for the thoughts on my blog- you are right- knowing that "this too will pass" will make the sleepless nights ahead of me much easier this time around :)

  3. Oh my goodness...that is so sweet!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Oh, how sweet is that? I hope the squirrels have enjoyed a bit of a snack by now...and your kids a bit of amusement while watching!

  5. What a great idea!! Smart little girl. Did she ever get to see the squirrels eat the acorns?

  6. That is just adorable! So cute that you captured it too :)

  7. That is so cute. How sweet of them to look after the squirrels!

  8. That is just about the cutest thing! I love that they were just waiting and waiting.

  9. THose are some odd looking and big acorns!

  10. LOL that is too funny! I have never seen acorns that look like that.

  11. That is so funny! Kids are so cute in their thinking.


  12. If you open it, they will come. ;-)
    I just get this image of Wiley Coyote waiting for the Roadrunner to come for the big pile of birdseed. That is so great that you got to capture this moment with a picture. That will be a memory to cherish.

  13. Oh that is just way too cute for words! The 'magical' tub of acorns...love it! :)

    WW - Funny Gingerbread Man

  14. Don't you just wish you could make those darn squirrels come running? Just to see the look on the kids faces, that would be priceless.

  15. I remember loving to gather acorns when we were growing up. We would get them by the five gallon bucket full. Our neighbor hood was called Oak tree Court if that gives you a clue to how many there were. How adorable that they were so eager to feed the little guys!


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