Monday, March 1, 2010

Homemade Cupcake Toppers

For his recent birthday celebration at school, my son wanted Mario cupcakes (as in Super Mario Bros.). I searched the internet for some of those plastic character rings that usually top store-bought kid cupcakes, so I could simply add them to the top of the cupcakes I planned to pick up at Sam's. But I couldn't find any with a Mario theme. In fact the only Mario themed cupcake toppers I could find anywhere were on and homemade by a mom with a printer and some craft punches.

So, I got to thinking, I could save my $20 and make some myself.

I searched the Internet for free, printable Mario images. When I found one I liked I copied it and printed a bunch on one page of cardstock paper. Then I just cut them out and glued them onto some yellow construction paper I'd cut into rectangles with some craft scissors. Then I taped the rectangles onto some lollipop sticks I already had.

Pretty easy, free since I used all materials I already had, good enough for 1st graders, and most important -- my boy was happy!! All around a successful craft!

Check out Tackle it Tuesday & Try and Tell.


  1. Wow, they turned out really cute!. You did a very good job! I bet your son was very happy with them. Way to go Mom!

  2. Great Job Mom!!! That was both very creative AND frugal! I'll have to remember this when my kids get older! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Neat idea! I love the matching blue frosting, too.

  4. what a great job you did very cool

  5. They are very cute! And very creative!

  6. GOOD JOB..they are quite cute. Blue icing was the prefect touch too...Bet your son was thrilled.

  7. That is pretty smart! For her and for you to figure out how to do it yourself. Very nice!!

  8. Way to go! Mommy and Mario to the rescue!


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