Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I Don't Know Why

As a Christian I think one of the hardest things to explain to non-Christians is why God allows bad things to happen to good people.

I was working in the corporate world with a non-Christian, who was newly out of college, just starting his career, at the time of the Sept. 11th attacks and I remember him asking me this question.

There is no short answer. I believe that God is good, that He loves us as His own children, that He has a purpose and plan for our lives, that He is near to all who call on Him. But at the same time I believe He is much more concerned with us and others coming to know Him and rely on Him than He is our temporary comfort during our short stay on Earth.

I know from my own life that it has mostly been the hard things, the "bad" things, that have brought me the closest to Jesus.

I do not know why God allowed Sept. 11, 2001 to happen.

I do believe with certainty that on that day, "Jesus wept." John 11:35. I believe Jesus wept and continues to weep with each individual person grieving a loved one lost that day, just as He wept with Mary and Martha over the death of Lazarus.

I do know that on Sept. 14th, 2001, I was able to invite that young non-believing co-worker to my church for a lunchtime prayer vigil. And he came.

I also know that
this article says that in Afghanistan, there were only 17 known Christians in the country before al-Qaeda attacked the United States and today, there are well over 10,000 Afghan followers of Christ.

I am thankful that God doesn't expect me to have all the answers but to just trust Him and follow Him.

"Look, among the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder! Because I am doing something in your days -- You would not believe if you were told." Habakkuk 1:5

Find more Thankful Thursday here.


  1. sometimes i also ask the same question--- why do bad things happen to good people. i don't know the answer but i just trust the Lord for His judgment. He knows everything. i just simply thank Him for His sovereignty.

    beautiful post you've got here. God bless you... always.

  2. Amen!!.. sometimes we indeed get 'stuck' with these kind of questions but the only thing we can share to them is that it's about time we put our trust in Him. The 9/11 was indeed heartbreaking and shocking to everyone but I believe a lot of people have come to trust Jesus as their Saviour after that tragic event.

    Lalaine's World
    From Asia and Beyond
    Day to Day Miracles
    Trying to be Fit
    Not a Shopaholic

  3. Thank God He is in control of all things though we may not always understand them. Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us and this precious reminder. Take care and have a blessed day!


  4. Oh yes, we do get that question from time to time. Like you, I don't know the answer. But we all know that all things work for the good for those who believe in Him. Even if we don't or can't see it.

  5. God knows, that is all that matters sweetie.

  6. Thank you for sharing your grateful heart with us today. Sometimes we never know the answers to our "why" but I am thankful to know Who holds my tomorrow! -happy TT!

  7. Great post! Thank you for sharing about the increase in Afghan believers since 9/11. I did not know that. Ultimately, I know that is what is closest to God's heart - that more come to know Him.

  8. What a profound and POWERFUL post. You addressed this hard issue very eloquently and wisely.

  9. God has His purposes and often we don't understand this side of eternity. We also live in a world that is marred by sin and under the control of the enemy (at least for a limited time). But we know the end of the story and ...we're on the winning side as believers in Jesus Christ.

  10. It is easy to explain... the difficulty is getting one whose heart is not focused on the Lord to except the truth in it. God allows suffering to turn hearts to him. For when we are at our lowest and have no where else to look, we look to Him. God allows suffering to strengthen our faith. For when we see Him work in difficult circumstances it draws us closer to Him and makes us rely on Him even more. God allows suffering to purify and cleanse us. The answers are quite simple, indeed. But for those who don't know Him, there is no way to see those truths. We can not make them understand, as much as we may like to. But we can share His story of saving grace. And pray for Him to use those seeds to their salvation.

    Well, that is my two cents worth, anyway.


  11. My wedding was four days after September 11th. It was so neat to see how God used that tragic event to make us thankful for what we had.

  12. Yes, it is hard to explain this isn't it!

    Nice to have found you and I know the hand sanitizer worked great for us too! Glad you found it!



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