Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Email Worth Cheering About

If you heard loud cheering coming from Texas this afternoon, it was us getting word from our adoption agency that we are officially on the waitlist to adopt a little girl from Ethiopia!

Six months worth of paperchase is over! Oh, happy day!

Praise God! It was all Him, remember my fingerprints weren't even classifiable.

We are requesting a girl age 0 to 30 months old. Babies under 12 months are in much higher demand, so we anticipate being matched with a toddler. The average wait time with our agency before being matched with a child over 12 months old is 5 months, then after the referral (or match) we'll have 2 to 5 months before we travel for our court date in Ethiopia and get to meet our child, then we'll travel back to Ethiopia again about 6 weeks after that to bring her home. So, we still have a good 10 months or so, give or take a few months, before we bring our new daughter home. But we are very excited and relieved to be through with all the paperwork, and on to the next phase!

Find more Wordless or Wordful Wednesday.


  1. Congratulations! What a beautiful milestone - to God be all the glory!

  2. How exciting! My friend in Winnipeg, Canada is on the waitlist to adopt from Ethiopia too. Fingers crossed the rest goes quickly!

  3. Congratulations! Beautiful post and what a wonderful email.

    Happy W.W!

    Creative and Curious Kids!


  4. That is awesome news!!!!!!!!


  5. WOOHOOO!!!!!! That is SUCH a happy day!!!!!!! I have walked this path with several friends - three families adopting from China and two from Russia. WHAT HAPPY DAYS THESE ARE! And we have a young missionary friend who has just returned from four years in Sudan. She would applaud you heartily for your efforts. God will change a life through you, sweet friend.

  6. That is so awesome! No one can top this wordless wed post, for sure! Congrats!!! :)

  7. Wow that's one of life's greatest moments! Congratulations!

  8. Congratulations!! What amazing news!!

  9. OH how awesome! Congratulations!!!!!

  10. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful news. Congratulations. I'm so very happy for you and your family. Best of luck. In my T&P!

  11. That is wonderful, amazing, awesome news. Congrats!!

  12. Congrats! Slow and steady wins the race!

  13. Congratulations, that is such a wonderful thing that you are doing and I wish you all the best!

  14. Congrads.. hope that you get your child soon.

  15. Oh I know how that feels...We waited a long time for our daughter. Congratulation, you're on your way to a life of Joy.
    My WW link for you

  16. Congratulations!! This is such wonderful news for you and your family. :) This made my morning. Love hearing good news!

  17. CONGRATULATIONS!!! How exicted you must be..this is just wonderful news...HUGS

  18. Congratulations! I know you are very excited. I pray that things go smoothly and you have your new little girl home with you soon.

  19. I will pray for your "match"!!

  20. Congratulations that is so exciting. I'll look forward to following the process.

  21. Congratulations! This is indeed a big day!
    Have a great week.

  22. Congratulations! Can't wait til we see pictures of her welcome home party!

  23. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Congratulations. So very, very exciting. I love babies. And toddlers. And children! I love that you are going to make a difference in the world and adopt. So special!

  24. That soothes the heart! It's wonderful news and so awesome to see how God is working behind the scenes to bring a family together with a child.


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