You'll never guess what my newly turned 6 year old wanted for his birthday dinner -- sushi!
I'm not sure if that makes him wacky or sophisticated, but actually three-fourths of my kids really like sushi!
Earlier this week as I was reading the book Wacky Wednesday
(You know the one about the boy's day with all the crazy things that happen? It starts out, "It all began with that shoe on the wall.") to my kids, it's one of their favorites, I commented to my little guy that his birthday was going to be on Wednesday, Wacky Wednesday. So, we not only decorated his bedroom with balloons while he slept, but also taped a shoe on the wall! Actually, I failed several times at getting that shoe to stay up there, but thankfully my husband's engineering degree came through and he was able to attach the shoe to the wall!
Now, 2 days later, it's Friday and the shoe is still there on the wall; plus the front entryway to my house looks like this:
I think our life is not just reserved to one day of the week for being wacky!
Also, this wackiness started this week:
My oldest was chosen as safety patrol for his elementary school for the remainder of this year and next school year.
He was super happy that I tracked him down while he was on duty and snapped some pictures of him patrolling the hallway -- made his 4th grade self look really cool in front of the 5th grade girl who is training him! What are moms for? I am contractually obligated to embarrass him!
But, really, how can he be old enough for this? When the letter came home I had to ask my friend who has a son who was also chosen but had an older son do it a couple years ago, "Are they really old enough for this? I mean I'm not totally sure my son can safely cross the street by himself and now he's going to be helping younger children cross the street?!!" A fourth grader, going into fifth, seemed a lot older before I had a child that age!
I know. I know. It's going to be a great opportunity for him to experience responsibility. At least that's what I keep repeating to myself as we get him to school 30 minutes early every day and stay 15 minutes late, meaning two different trips to the same elementary school each day because I feel bad making my 2 younger kids go so early to school! At least it's only a 3 minute drive away!
As wacky as it is keeping up with 4 different kids worth of activities and events, I can't help but feel blessed to be a part. Tonight was our 3rd school musical of the year (one for each grade we have a child in). Kindergarteners dressed like various animals, singing and dancing -- there is no greater show on earth!
Have a wonderfully wacky weekend!
Find more Friday Fragments here.
Aww, kindergarten is my favorite....I used to teach kindergarten, and still miss it sometimes.
ReplyDeleteI remember how much I loved being a 'safety'. I definitely felt grown up : ) Enjoy your weekend!
Is there anything like kindergarten? They won't be happy to be dressed as animals until they are freshman in university, with more than a few beers to give confidence. I like the safety guy. He looks very handsome.
ReplyDeleteI love that your hubby's engineering degree came in handy with attaching the shoe to the wall - I'll have to tell my engineering hubby about that one. ;) And I'm also glad to know Wacky Wednesday is not limited to just Wednesday in your house, as it's every day of the week here, too. :)
ReplyDeleteYour son looks studly in his safety vest! Princess Nagger has been loving being a safety at her school, too. :)
Kaley Cuoco is Adorable even with a Helmet Head, Princess Nagger Frog-Watching: Fragmenting for a Clean Brain-Slate
Safety patrol is the cool thing to least it was when I did it in fifth grade many years ago.
ReplyDeleteI love watching the kids programs at school. Unfortunately, mine are now grown so I'll have to wait for grandkids to be able to see any more. And I'm not rushing that. :)
ReplyDeleteI always loved programs at school. Especially if they involved music. Your hallway reminds me when my 20 yr old was little. I saved all the cars and tracks too.
ReplyDeleteBut whomever put those match box cars in the hallway lined them up in a pile of very neat rows!!